Tuesday 13 December 2016

Do Sue, Grabbitt And Runn Do Loyalty Points..?

Sophoullis Kyriacou and his daughter Nikki left their pug Neville with the friend while Nikki, who has a muscle weakening condition, was undergoing a blood transfusion at a hospital in Oxford.
But four days later Neville was discovered dead on the Hapton bypass just yards from junction eight of the M65.
Now Mr Kyriacou, of Sunny Bower Close, Blackburn, has been awarded £1,000 after taking the case to the county court.
Now, you might wonder at the sort of chap who asks a friend to do him a favour and then sues that friend when an accident occurs.

Wonder no more:
Sophoullis Kyriacou pursued a claim against East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust arising out of the circumstances leading to the death of his wife, Maggie, 48, in August 2011 from multiple organ failure.
The dad-of-one claimed during a 10-day hospital stay the care his wife received immediately before her death fell below what he expected.
Although not admitting liability, trust directors agreed an out-of-court settlement.
Mr Kyriacou said he had been fighting for justice for five years and ‘no amount of money could make up for what happened’.
Really? Seems money is quite useful. Not as useful as having your lawyer on speed dial, clearly!


  1. Making vexatious claims is no doubt on the rise as the opportunities for doing so have risen at a proportional rate. If this was limited to just the private sector then that would be no bad thing. It would teach it to observe best practices, develop better mechanisms to filter out false claims or go out of business. Unfortunately it is not, much of it is aimed at the public sector where because of gross incompetence there are rich pickings. Which because of not being put out of business because of it will continue to be incompetent and be a veritable paradise for claimants. The NHS pays for example many millions every year in compensation for failure. It will not be long when that figure rises to the billion. Money then not available for patient care. The NHS must be the envy of the world's ambulance chasing lawyers(pun intentional) not any one else.

  2. "Sophoullis Kyriacou" Is that not an STD?

  3. "If this was limited to just the private sector then that would be no bad thing."

    So the public sector could carry on regardless? I feel you've not thought this through...

    ""Sophoullis Kyriacou" Is that not an STD?"

