Tuesday 20 December 2016

I Hope The Dog Is OK Now....

Emergency services rushed to the scene at the West Meadows camp near Ipswich on Sunday night after reports of the violence.
A horse injured during the melee, which saw two caravans torched and several other properties wrecked, had to be put down.
One man was also bitten by a police dog and needed hospital treatment during the incident, Sussex Police said.
Poor dog.
Five men and a teenage boy were arrested following the incident, police said.
It comes after two men, aged 18 and 32, died when they were stabbed at the site near the A14 on Thursday.
It's cultural, you know...


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats20 December 2016 at 17:40

    Is it too much to hope that the buggers get a decently long custodial?

  2. Unfortunately Lynne, it almost certainly is too much to hope for.

  3. Lynne at Counting Cats24 December 2016 at 15:55


  4. A spot of geographic uncertainty in that report- Ipswich is in Suffolk, on the border with Essex, but I strongly suspect Sussex police said naff all, what with them being a couple of hours away. Journalism? I'm amazed the hacks can spell the word..

  5. "Is it too much to hope that the buggers get a decently long custodial?"

    Ted is correct again... (

    "Journalism? I'm amazed the hacks can spell the word.."

    In the 'Grauniad', they probably can't!
