Wednesday 14 December 2016

Losing In The Genetic Lottery Of Life

Tiffany Renton, 25, is currently living in temporary accommodation in Chichester Close, Basildon, while her usual home, in Lincoln Road, has some repair work done.
But she claims neither of the first floor properties are suitable for her daughters, who both have severe health issues.
How severe?
Her daughter Nova, four, has Kawasaki disease, which can cause inflammation in the walls of her arteries.
Miss Renton’s 15-month-old daughter Mary is facing a dangerous operation to reshape her skull after being born with a long list of health problems, which include Crouzon syndrome, a genetic disorder which sees bones in the skull fuse together prematurely, and Plagiocephaly, which is also known as flat head syndrome.
Miss Renton, who also has regular epileptic seizures, is worried about falling ill when carrying the children up the stairs to either home.
Yikes! There's a bit of a feeling here that this is a woman that really shouldn't be breeding...
Miss Renton claims Basildon Council has given her very little help to move into a new home so has started a petition calling on the authority to help her, which has been signed by nearly 800 people.
She said: “I just want a suitable home on the ground floor for my babies as our first floor flat just isn’t suitable.
“I have epilepsy and since this has all been going on my fits have been getting a lot more regular and I’m worried it might happen if I am going downstairs holding the baby.
“But I’ve been told I’m not a priority case.”
Well, you're only there while work is done on your council accommodation. Even at the glacially slow pace of a council workman, it's not going to be for long.
A council spokesman said the authority has received Miss Renton’s application for a two-bedroom property. She added: “However we are now in the process of obtaining medical evidence, in light of the recent petition Miss Renton has posted, to support her request for additional priority and ground floor accommodation.
“The council recognises Ms Renton’s concerns regarding her children and is looking into this as a matter of urgency.”

Anyone wondering why people resort to the papers has their answer. Because it works...


  1. Presumably Nova was conceived on the back seat of a Vauxhall car?

  2. 'Nova'. My mate used to drive one of those. It had as many issues as this birds kids.

  3. "However we are now in the process of obtaining medical evidence, in light of the recent petition Miss Renton has posted, to support her request for additional priority and ground floor accommodation."

    One would have thought Miss Renton would have submitted said evidence at the time of her request...

  4. She can have the ground floor flat once her tubes are tied.

  5. Perhaps if each of the 800 had set up a monthly Direct Debit for £1 each then her problems would have been over straight away.

  6. "Presumably Nova was conceived on the back seat of a Vauxhall car?"

    Is there room..? ;)

    "It had as many issues as this birds kids."


    "One would have thought Miss Renton would have submitted said evidence at the time of her request..."

    One would, indeed. *muses*

    "Perhaps if each of the 800 had set up a monthly Direct Debit for £1 each then her problems would have been over straight away."

