Thursday 1 December 2016

Only If The CCTV Is Linked To A Sniper Rifle...

Shoppers are warned to be on their guard after reports of...
Shoplifters? Pickpockets? Too-early renditions of 'Walking In The Air' over the shop PA? centre yobs hurling cans at strangers.
Groups of people have been spotted gathering in Town Square and St Martin’s Square, Basildon, to drink and cause a nuisance - despite the area being an alcohol free zone.
 Gosh! It's almost as if people like this are no respecters of laws, isn't it?
Phil Turner, leader of Basildon Council, said he has “100 per cent confidence” the authority will be able to put a stop to the nuisance behaviour by using CCTV.
Well, if you hook it up to a means of taking out the aforementioned nuisances, yes. Otherwise, it's just a way of giving some bored council employee something to do in between rounds of 'Solitaire', isn't it?


  1. Actions must have consequences, in this case nicking & the courts need to make an example - but that will never happen (the courts i mean)

  2. It would never work because he output from those CCTV cameras is so bad they would never be able to hit anything.

    If they are so set on using CCTV to watch our every move they will need to upgrade the quality of image from the cameras first. Then they might be of some use apprehending the pests. Until then why bother?

  3. Unfortunately, there will not be any Council Wardens around to stop these cretins as they will be too busy fining old ladies who give the odd chip to a pigeon or allows their infant child to drop bits of paper found in their pram. Priorities, you see. Likewise, the local Police will be concentrating on real crime, such as "Shaznay is a slag" tweets.

  4. I wonder why he said 'using CCTV' rather than 'sending in the cops to clear the fuckers out'? They won't be deterred by a couple of cameras

  5. Ah, CCTV (aka the scrotes’ friend) - easily one of the most pathetically useless inventions ever thought of.

  6. Bucko, you must realise that the police no longer do anything to actually prevent crime. Things like having foot patrols in problem areas are just not PC any more.

    The police seem to forget that their prime objective was, and still should be, to prevent crime and not to just hand out a number when something goes wrong.

  7. Stand by for incoming from our resident plodchumps, ivan.

  8. "It would never work because he output from those CCTV cameras is so bad they would never be able to hit anything."

    It does seem to be of variable quality. Some is in full HD colour, some I wouldn't recognise myself!

    "Likewise, the local Police will be concentrating on real crime, such as "Shaznay is a slag" tweets."

    In Basildon, naturally!

    "They won't be deterred by a couple of cameras"

    Threatening the YouTube Generation with appearing in a Hall of Shame is a pointless endeavour.

  9. "The police seem to forget that their prime objective was, and still should be, to prevent crime and not to just hand out a number when something goes wrong."

    Spot on!

    "Needs gun turrets."

    Some of the 'art' in Basildon town centre could only be improved by this...
