Saturday 31 December 2016

Post Of The Month

Peter Risdon on why Trump's Presidency may not be the car-crash calamity we all might fear...


  1. Not me. I always thought Trump would make the necessary changes. But I'm a burn it down sort of guy.

    He isn't perfect but who is? What he does is build teams to achieve defined objectives. That is what we need now.

    If only our political leadership was a fraction as savvy.

  2. "... the car-crash calamity we all might fear..."

    Count me out of the "we all". I never did, but I was brown-trousered about a Clinton win. I couldn't express my views better than Lord T before me, so I'll just add "Hear, hear" to his comment.

  3. "What he does is build teams to achieve defined objectives. That is what we need now."

    Yes, he's gone from strength to strength so far. The MSM doesn't know what to do. I hope they never figure it out.

    "Count me out of the "we all". I never did..."

    Well, I'll admit, I wasn't too happy with the start of the Presidential campaign. But I'm bloody ecstatic now!
