Wednesday 21 December 2016

The Only Place He Needs To 'Get Out To'... Bangladesh. And he can stay there:
Alluding to Hamid’s mental conditions, defence barrister Naeem Mian said: “It will be a living nightmare, my lord, a living nightmare.
“If it could be said of anybody, he needs to get out more, it’s Mr Hamid.”
Luckily, this fell on deaf ears:
Judge Peter Rook QC rejected his plea for a suspended sentence and said there needed to be a deterrent.
He said the IS video, produced and edited to a “very high standard” by the media centre responsible for the terrorist organisation’s publications, had glorified its fighters and “goads” the military forces. The judge highlighted the defendant’s “extensive library of extremist material” which was uncovered by police following his arrest in February.
While acknowledging Bangladesh-born Hamid had said he had learned his lesson, the judge said: “There must be a significant element of deterrent and in my view an immediate custodial sentence is inevitable.”
Two years. Not much of 'a living hell' either.


  1. Europe is reaping the rewards of high levels of immigration from countries outside of Europe where culture, traditions and religion are completely alien to our own. Those rewards being, increased levels of crime, reintroduction of health problems we had eradicated, infrastructure and resources being stretched to their limit and large numbers of those who wish us to convert to their medieval beliefs and who support or participate with those who will do us harm if we do not.

    It is not that us little people did not warn of the dangers of allowing this. We did but were told to shut up because we were racists and bigots. The levels of immigration were unacceptable before 2015 only for the self proclaimed Kaisserine of the EU aided and abetted by the self anointed elite of Brussels to open the door to many more. The numbers are now so great and their benefactors(progressives and socialists) so powerful that us little people are going to have to bear the brunt of the policies of these addled headed and self serving political chattering classes. It will not end well unless the threat is seen to be where it really is. Not us but those who come from foreign lands intent on depriving us of our birth right and beliefs.

  2. The problem with putting our "new friends" behind bars is that they will join groups of other new friends and demand all sorts of special treatment and conditions, and all the while bullying non-believers into joining them. These people can't stop being, er, these people. It goes with the territory.

  3. Barking. Goes without any further comment or explanation!

  4. In the interests of diversity, such prisoners should be made to feel at home and placed in the type of prison cells they find in their homeland. That means plaster covered breeze block walls, so that it is hot in summer and freezing in winter; either a hole in the floor, which is frequently blocked, or a rusty bucket as a toilet, which is sometimes changed, after the prisoners have cleaned it - by hand; food the rats and cockroaches refused to eat; and visits by prison staff who need to alleviate their urgent sexual need. And not having half of their sentence removed for good behaviour as soon as the prison van goes through the gates. Another quaint statistic is that Muslim prison guards in a Muslim prison, often prevent their Muslim prisoners from carrying out their religious prayers during the day. So much for the "cleanliness" of their beliefs.

  5. Lynne at Counting Cats24 December 2016 at 15:54

    And the deportation order? The fuckwit was promoting terrorism so where is the deportation order that absolutely should be served at the end of his sentence?

  6. "It is not that us little people did not warn of the dangers of allowing this. We did but were told to shut up because we were racists and bigots."

    We seem to be getting over that fear now. Good. It was always a false fear.

    "...and demand all sorts of special treatment and conditions..."

    More fool us then, for giving in!

    "Barking. Goes without any further comment or explanation!"

    Twenty years ago, it was a nice place, if a bit rough and ready. I only drive through it now. With the windows up and the central locking on...

    "And the deportation order? The fuckwit was promoting terrorism so where is the deportation order that absolutely should be served at the end of his sentence?"

    Probably born here... :/

  7. Gah! Should read my own post! No, he wasn't born here, so where's that deportation order?
