Monday 26 December 2016

When You Just Can't Resist....

...shoehorning Brexit into everything...

Sore losers, much, 'Guardian'..?


  1. An addiction to almost anything is possible. Alcohol, gambling, drugs are amongst the highest on the list. However equally pernicious is addiction to political dogma. Probably outnumbering all others. It is rampant throughout our society. The most deadly form of it is to be found in left leaning people(lesser forms are in all of us but we resist with reason and common sense the worst effects) who must have their daily fix of socialism and progressiveness. It is an expensive habit but they have connived to make non addicts pay for it as well. If denied their daily fix they will seek refuge in their safe little places where they will cunningly look for ways to rain spiteful angry retribution upon us with words and deeds.

  2. "..socialism and progressiveness..." There is at least one oxymoron in that paragraph. I just chose the easiest.

  3. Lynne at Counting Cats27 December 2016 at 16:30

    From the BBC gobs to the Grauniad press. The sheer audacity of the bastards as they report the prospect of a bumper consumer spending spree with those two little weasel words - Despite Brexit!

  4. "However equally pernicious is addiction to political dogma. Probably outnumbering all others."

    Very true. When the facts change, sensible people change their minds. But idiots go on voting for the donkey with the right colour rosette...

    " The sheer audacity of the bastards as they report the prospect of a bumper consumer spending spree with those two little weasel words - Despite Brexit!"

    It does seem almost to be their super power, don't it?
