Thursday 15 December 2016

Why Only 'Likely'..?

The killer of renowned academic and new father Dr Jeroen Ensink has been stripped of his right to live in the UK and is likely to be deported if he is ever deemed fit for release, a court heard.
Earlier, the court had heard how Nandap came to Britain to study African studies and economic development on a student visa.
In Spring last year, he became psychotic from smoking cannabis and believed voices telling him he was a "Messiah".
In May 2015, he was arrested for wielding a knife in public and punching and biting a police officer.
While on conditional bail, Nandap went home to Nigeria where he was treated for mental illness. His sister informed British police about his condition in August and handed in a certificate saying he was unfit to travel.
Maybe while we're waiting for the booby hatch to spit Nandap into the waiting arms of an immigration deportation squad, they could get some practice in with the sister?


  1. Yep, that's the central issue: the legacy parties insist that this whole 'open borders' thing is a right wing myth but they refuse to say whether or not psych killers should be deported.

    If slaughtering people is no impediment to living in Britain then yes we do have open borders.

  2. Why would anyone move from Nigeria to the UK to study Africa?


  3. "If slaughtering people is no impediment to living in Britain then yes we do have open borders."

    Nailed it.

    "Why would anyone move from Nigeria to the UK to study Africa?"

    It's a puzzle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma...
