Thursday 26 January 2017

How Very Unsavory...

Tyrone Savory, 24, of Union Terrace, was pulling out of a petrol station in the early hours of the morning when the Ford Transit van he was driving was spotted by officers in a marked BMW.
Noticing the van did not have its lights on, police pursued the vehicle down Boroughbridge Road into Poppleton.
And that's where the 'fun' starts...
The blue lights were switched on, but Savory - who was disqualified from driving, was uninsured and on a suspended prison sentence - took a sharp right-hand turn onto Station Road in Poppleton, York Crown Court heard.
With his lights still off he veered onto the right-hand side of the road into the path of an oncoming vehicle.
A catastrophe was narrowly averted when the van mounted a curb and drove along the pavement, Rob Galley told the court in prosecution.
Lucky no-one was killed.
“The defendant emerged, wearing all grey clothing, and ran towards (an address in) Station Road,” Mr Galley said. An officer with a police dog chased Savory who climbed a high fence in a bid to escape.
He was caught and arrested.
I hoped to see 'mauled' in there too....
Savory admitted dangerous driving, driving without insurance and driving while disqualified during the incident in the early hours of October 2.
He also admitted failing to comply a suspended jail sentence by skipping unpaid-work sessions.
Mr Galley said Savory had previous convictions for offences including burglary, handling stolen goods, affray, driving matters and failing to surrender to bail.
In May he was given a four-month prison sentence, suspended for a year, for running away from police after being stopped on suspicion of drink-driving. On that occasion, Savory was riding a moped with a female passenger which was stopped by a police officer. As the female constable was dealing with the passenger, Savory fled but was arrested a few days later and charged with escaping lawful custody.
Bring on the excuses!
Savory’s solicitor Neil Cutte said the father-of-one, who has been working as a car valeter in Clifton Moor, could give no explanation for his latest motoring offence other than “panic” on being pursued by police.
Can't think why. It must be as usual an occurrence for him as not being pursued by police is for the law-abiding...
Judge Paul Batty QC blasted Savory for trying to outrun police and told him: “For one so young, you are amassing quite a record.”
Savory was jailed for 18 months and given a three-year driving ban.
Because the last one worked so well...


  1. "father of one": quick vasectomise him before those genes spread further!

  2. Did he pay for the petrol; I assume that he did.

  3. "quick vasectomise him before those genes spread further!"

    Should probably read 'father of one that he's aware of'...

    "Did he pay for the petrol; I assume that he did."

    Probably the only thing he did right!
