Tuesday 31 January 2017

I Didn't Know Being An Attention-Seeking Moron...

Jonathan Taylor, defending, said Bank had been suffering from depression and was told there was a possibility he had a hereditary disease.
“He wasn’t directly targeting anyone and that is shown by the fact nobody was injured,” said Mr Taylor.
“He knows he has put the emergency services to a great deal of inconvenience and he is sorry.”
...was a hereditary disease. Did you?


  1. Interesting question! Political dynasties (Kennedy, Benn, Kinnock, Clinton, Bush) suggest it may be.

  2. If they had put the Macdonalds on the pavement he could have achieved two objectives at once.

  3. Are you collecting entrants for the 2017 Fanciful Mitigation Plea award? That has got to be the one for January.

  4. Lynne at Counting Cats3 February 2017 at 20:57

    They should have let him jump. That would have stopped the disease being passed on. Unless, of course, it was far too late for that. He is 21 after all. Too much to hope that he's a late starter.

  5. "Political dynasties (Kennedy, Benn, Kinnock, Clinton, Bush) suggest it may be."

    Damn good point.

    "Are you collecting entrants for the 2017 Fanciful Mitigation Plea award?"

    It'll take me a year to go through them all!

    "They should have let him jump. "

    And sold the televised rights to Ch 4!
