Monday 16 January 2017

It's Enough To Drive You To Drink!

Peter Clemenson, 47, of Shoebury Road, Southend, was a teacher at South Essex College until 2011 before he moved to the Lower Basildon Academy.
That's....well, not exactly a step up.
The National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) noted how Clemenson picked up his first conviction, for failing to stop at the scene of an accident, in October 2007.
He was also convicted for failing to provide a sample for analysis, resulting in a two year disqualification, a £750 fine and an order to pay £90 costs.
Well, one mistake is understandable, we're all human after ...

In September 2012, Clemenson was convicted of drink-driving and banned for three years, and fined £450 with £85 costs and a £15 victim surcharge.
I guess he didn't learn his lesson the first time.
However, it was his conviction in March last year for possession of a knife in a public place on July 15, 2014, that led to a jail sentence of eight weeks, a £500 costs order and an £85 victim surcharge.
Clemenson also received another two weeks, concurrent, because he failed to surrender to bail.
Well, to be fair, Basildon Academy is the sort of place you may want to arm yourself before attending. Pupil or teacher.
The report said Clemenson’s five convictions suggested a “repetitive pattern of behaviour.”
No shit..?