Saturday 28 January 2017

No, We Have 'The Big Problem' When It Comes To These Offences...

A 25-year-old banned driver sped away from police after he was seen behind the wheel.
Blackburn magistrates heard that despite driving over a ‘stinger’ Salim Shah raced away at speeds of up to 65mph in built-up areas, jumping red lights and forcing other vehicles to take evasive action.
The court was told he eventually suffered problems due to the punctured tyres and was arrested.
The whole family appears to be scum, mind you:
Peter King, defending, said his client accepted the matter had crossed the custody threshold but asked the magistrates to grant him bail pending his appearance at the Crown Court.
He said Shah lived at home with his father who was sole carer for his elderly grandparents. His father is appearing at another court this morning and is likely to go to prison,” said Mr King.
“The responsibility for caring for his grandparents was going to fall to my client and the stupid commission of these offences is putting them in some jeopardy.
Bail would give him the opportunity to make arrangements for their care whatever the outcome when he is sentenced at the Crown Court.”
And what sentence did he get? Was it one that reflected the seriousness of the offences?

Shah, 25, of Blackburn Road, Great Harwood, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and driving while disqualified, and having no car insurance. He was jailed for 12 months and banned from driving for a further two years.
The Lancashire Telegraph has highlighted Shah’s conduct as part of the Stop The Madness roads campaign. Shah was jailed for 16 months in 2014, at the same court, for a police pursuit which saw him filming the incident in a selfie style.
He even asked police: “It was a good chase wasn’t it?” when eventually caught.
Bring on the usual excuses!
Marianne Alton, defending, said her client knew he was facing a prison sentence and accepted he had ‘a big problem’ when it came to cars.
She told the court he wanted to put his driving record behind him and had signed up to learn a trade while on remand in prison.
The defendant, who is teetotal, had offered to drive friends home from a night out in Manchester, as they had been drinking, added Miss Alton.
They'd have probably been safer with a drunk behind the wheel...


  1. This isn't as bad as it could have been. At least the stupid bastard's now a guest at the Greybars Hotel and you can't blame the defence for trying.

  2. He'll get 50% reduction in his sentence 'for good behaviour' as soon as the prison van goes through the gates. From his name, I don't think he's a bacon lover, so will get special treatment, food, a soft, comfy, prayer mat, and no doubt a shed load of compensation after claiming prison staff dissed his religion. Can only hope he gets to share a cell with Big Bubba.

  3. "At least the stupid bastard's now a guest at the Greybars Hotel..."

    For nowhere near long enough...

    "Can only hope he gets to share a cell with Big Bubba."

    Who one hopes is a Shia.
