Sunday 29 January 2017

"Shall we look through this book of baby names, Candeece..?"

"Nah, pass me the bag of Scrabble tiles, innit?"


  1. "Sheneqwa" is clearly a chavtastic phonetic mis-spelling of "Shanique" but I'm at a loss as to where "Kaswayne" is supposed to be derived from.

  2. I think 'Kaswayne' is Old English for: O dweller on the dilapidated council estate. Similarly, 'Shanique' means: Dusky hued recipient of generous welfare benefits.

  3. Kasawayne seems to be an example of the American Ghetto-tastic ploy of adding a random prefix to a common name, in this case Wayne.
    The meanings of the prefixes are sometimes obscure but generally translate as "drug addict and aspiring rap star who shoots storekeepers dead in the act of stealing $17" or "crack ho who has had 5 children by 7 different men by the time she has reached the age of consent and is happy to agree with wealthy feminists that her lack of a Nobel Prize for Literature is down to the patriarchy".

  4. "...clearly a chavtastic phonetic mis-spelling of "Shanique"..."

    Good deduction!

    "Similarly, 'Shanique' means: Dusky hued recipient of generous welfare benefits."


    "...the American Ghetto-tastic ploy of adding a random prefix to a common name..."

    Ah, America - where they lead, we follow...
