Sunday 22 January 2017

Strange, The One On The 'Churchill' Ads Doesn't Look Like This...

It is, of course, an English mastiff...

H/T: Stephen Brown via email


  1. Dogs & their health/longevity - Imho

    Rehome a Heinz 57

    or, if pedigree dog desired: buy a working type eg working cocker, lab, Belgian shepherd etc

    Working dogs do not have the deformities of show dogs and they're usually more intelligent.

  2. True, but avoid the cocker in my opinion; ours developed Cocker Rage and turned very unpleasant.

  3. "Dogs & their health/longevity - Imho

    Rehome a Heinz 57"

    Our last two dogs were both crossbreeds. They do have better outlooks.

    "...but avoid the cocker in my opinion; ours developed Cocker Rage and turned very unpleasant."

    I'd never heard of Cocker Rage before. Another 'success' of intensive breeding... :/
