Tuesday 17 January 2017

This Is Where '#IBelieveHer' Leads...

A woman has been locked up after she tried to blackmail a police officer she met on a dating website by suggesting he wanted to rape her.
Nightclub waitress Georgia Harris recorded the 22-year-old man as she put a “hypothetical” scenario to him about such a sex attack. She then sent him a “doctored” video clip of part of the conversation with him saying “I would rape you” and her replying “I don’t want you to rape me.”
What on earth might have given this woman the idea that she could do this, and not be punished for it?
Sentencing her to eight months youth custody, a judge said the case was serious because of the “premeditated, determined and persistent” nature of the offence.
“It is well understood for good reason that blackmail offences are to be treated very seriously indeed in terms of penalty,” he added.
Whereas if she'd simply cried rape, she'd have probably been believed, and almost certainly wouldn't have gone to jail if she wasn't believed...
Harris, of Rookes Crescent, Chelmsford, had suffered from depression and anxiety after having a miscarriage at the age of 17.
Ahhhh, poor wee lamb...
Harris, who works at Faces nightclub in Chelmsford, told a probation officer she had a drink problem that was now under control.
Of course she does.
Ed Duncan-Smith, defending, said Harris, who admitted blackmail, had not intended the matter to go as far as it did.
“It snowballed,” he said. “She now realises how unacceptable it was. She expresses a high level of shame for her behaviour.
“She has had a wake up call and taken control of her life. She is having therapy. Her ambition is to be an air hostess. She is remorseful for this very sorry episode.”
All the old excuses. They'd have worked, too, if the offence hadn't been blackmail.


  1. "They'd have worked, too, if the offence hadn't been blackmail."

    And the victim wasn't a policeman. My Dad was a small-town solicitor for years and told me he was always amazed at how the severity of any transgression would automatically increase if the person on the other end was a policeman.

  2. As above, I suspect it's because the victim of the attempted blackmail was a policeman had more to do with it than any other factor. So, it would seem I was wrong, we don't have a two tier police force, turns out it's a three tier police force; Police officers, Muslims and (sod) everyone else.

  3. Lynne at Counting Cats21 January 2017 at 22:27

    I think the "air hostess" nag has well and truly bolted.

  4. "And the victim wasn't a policeman."

    Yup, that too! Mind you, I bet PSD had a few words about incautious use of online hookups...

    "...turns out it's a three tier police force; Police officers, Muslims and (sod) everyone else."

    Peel must be turning in his grave.. :(

    "I think the "air hostess" nag has well and truly bolted."

    Well, there's always RyanAir..! :D
