Friday 13 January 2017

When Scum Fall Out...

Mr Linnen said Wood heated up the iron while making threats, before holding it “millimetres” away from his face.
At one point, Wood is alleged to have aimed a double-barrelled shotgun at Mr Linnen’s head from a range of two metres.
Mr Linnen said: “Carl held it in one hand. He said: ‘Where’s your brothers now?’ He said he would kill them. He said if I left and the police turned up at the door he would kill them as well.
Mr Linnen was allowed to leave at about 4.30am. The following day, he and his brothers Jason, Ricky, Billy, Bradley and Joe returned to the house demanding an explanation.
Because that's what you want when you turn up with your five man posse, an explanation...
Wood, along with two other men, is alleged to have pointed guns out of the window and made threats.
At that point, the Linnens returned home and called the police.
Of course they did.
Officers found no firearms at the property.
What a shocker.
Rag Chand, mitigating for Wood, asked Judge Ian Graham to release him until a sentencing hearing on January 16.
He said: “It is the time of year when most children prefer both their parents to be at home with them.
“Although cocaine and cannabis were being taken downstairs while the children were upstairs, the fact remains that it was not done in front of the children.
Awww, that makes them saints on Canvey!
However, Judge Ian Graham declined to grant Wood bail. He told the pair: “This was a nasty assault. I am prepared to wait for a pre-sentence report.”
What on earth do you think it's going to tell you that you don't already know?