Thursday 9 February 2017

File Under 'Screw it, It's Only Canvey'...

The youngster was attending Canvey’s annual Christmas lights switch-on with her mum when the day’s celebrations were brought to an abrupt halt.
She was hit by a car which appeared to be travelling the wrong way along Canvey High Street, where it turns into Foksville Road.
'Appeared to be'..? Well, was it, or wasn't it?

Surely Essex's Finest will know?
Her mum, who does not want to be identified, claims the male driver initially tried to continue driving - until a passerby stopped him.
The youngster was taken to A&E after the incident on Saturday, November. She suffered minor bruising.
A PCSO was called to the scene.
The girl’s mother asked for the driver to be breathalysed. However, the family had to leave for hospital before a police officer who was authorised to carry a breath test arrived.
Since then, they have heard nothing from the police.

What do they have to say for themselves? It had better not be a bunch of meaningless platitudes about how ....

An Essex Police spokesman said: “Traffic collision investigation can be a lengthy process as they need to be comprehensive and often involve gathering a lot of complex information to determine exactly what has occurred.
“Officers dealing with the case will provide the girl’s parents with an update as soon as they are in a position to do so.
“We can confirm enquiries are ongoing and hope the girl is recovering well from her injuries. Should her parents have any questions about the ongoing case they can make contact with the investigating officer directly.”
They clearly do have questions. My, it's good that you're a spokeman and not a detective, eh?


  1. A CSO can not breathlylise a suspected drunken driver, can not issue a form to produce driving documents, can not arrest anyone. All they can do is provide "reassurance" by wearing a uniform in public. They also start at roughly the same salary as a Police officer, yet don't work after 10pm, when it's raining, or in a public order situation. A CEO can't do things a Police officer can but a Police officer can do everything a CSO does. They are cheaper to employ so save the local force money but are as useful as a chocolate fireguard.

  2. I presume PCSO are empowered to call a fully fledged, completely authorised PC on your behalf to save you doing it. So there's always that.

  3. Anon,
    A CSO can call a warranted Police officer, but so many forces have got rid of them to save money (so they can employ more CSOs) so you have as much chance of seeing one as a Muslim in a bacon factory.

  4. Do they still have detectives in the Police Service these days?

  5. "All they can do is provide "reassurance" by wearing a uniform in public."

    Having seen the way some of the locals wear that uniform, I'm unconvinced!

    "Do they still have detectives in the Police Service these days?"

    One might suggest a 'Slow Children' sign, but I fear that, on Canvey, it would be misinterpreted...
