Monday 13 February 2017

I Almost Wish We Hadn't Got These Details...

Remember Chloe Thompson?

Well, she got two years, albeit in a young offenders institution:
Speaking after the sentencing, Mrs Tongs’ daughter Victoria Lidstone-Scott, who lives in Billericay, said: “We all just feel genuinely very sorry for her (Chloe Thompson).
“She has to live with this for the rest of her life.”
They are more forgiving than I'd be, under the circumstances.

Oh, right! Circumstances. We hoped to get them, didn't we? This article doesn't mention them. But another does:
Miss Molloy said Thompson was a relatively inexperienced driver, having passed her test in January last year. When interviewed she claimed her satnav had stated she was doing about 74mph before the crash.
“She recalled seeing brake lights but almost instantaneously collided with the Citroen,” said Miss Molloy.
“She said she looks at signs on the motorway but doesn’t really take on board what they show. She recalled a 40mph sign but didn’t know where.
“She described motorway driving as tedious and says it all looks the same, so her attention can be lost. She said she just wanted to get to her dad’s a bit quicker.
“Her attention was drawn to the scenery or she was just having a daydream. She liked looking at the trees. She said it was her fault she didn’t realise she was going too fast.”
 Is your blood boiling yet? Mine is.
A psychiatrist diagnosed Thompson with ADHD on January 10 this year and suggested her “bad lookout” could have been caused by the condition.
She's been banned from driving for six years. Do they think her condition will have improved by then, or are they just taking a chance?

What was she in such a hurry for, anyway?
A care home worker, looking after dementia patients, she was on her way to see her father in Hertfordshire with her boyfriend.
Well, that's just great! If you don't meet this ditzy little chav on the roads in six years time, she could be looking after your granny in two years time!

Wait, did I say two years?
Thompson will serve a year of youth custody before being released on licence.


  1. Hopefully released without a licence, either.

  2. There are far too many young adults driving around with exactly the same mind-set. They have absolutely no idea of what the kinetic energy in their 80mph car can do to a stationary vehicle in front of them.
    Any form of responsibility is far removed from their own sphere of existence.
    Who is responsible for this?

  3. Surely if ADHD is a real condition and not just an excuse, then she must be classed as not fit to drive ever again.

  4. "Hopefully released without a licence, either."

    A six year ban. Which is too short, and should start only after release (but probably doesn't).

    "There are far too many young adults driving around with exactly the same mind-set. They have absolutely no idea of what the kinetic energy in their 80mph car can do to a stationary vehicle in front of them. "

    "But I've done it on 'Gran Tourismo 5' all the time, Officer!"

    "Surely if ADHD is a real condition and not just an excuse, then she must be classed as not fit to drive ever again."

    Someone should look at who passed her fit to drive in the first place.
