Wednesday 22 February 2017

I Blame The Parents Pt 2484725589

An eight-year-old boy ran away from home with his mum’s bank card before duping phone shop staff into selling him three mobiles.
The little scallywag!
Joshua, who has autism, was eventually found and returned home by police – but not before treating himself to a McDonald’s and a new pair of shoes from Deichmann.
Boy, I bet he's in for a thrashing when...

Oh. Of course not. It's not his fault, the poor little lamb!
His mum, Kimberley, who has six other children aged between two and 17, has questioned why a boy so young was served while shopping alone.
“They didn’t ask ‘where’s your mum?’ or think to call the police to say there was a boy on his own,” she said.
“They sold him three phones and SIM cards after he gave them a sob story. He said ‘one is for my mum, one for my girlfriend and one for me’.”
It's probably not the first time they've heard that, is it?
Kimberley said Joshua had run away from their four-bedroom home in Priest Avenue before, and she had now removed the handles of some windows to stop him getting out.
Ummm, fire safety..? No? OK then.
Kimberley says Joshua is due to be re-assessed for ADHD in the hope he can get medication.
“Once I can get him sorted out it will make the household more manageable,” she said.
I can think of other things that might make your household 'more manageable'...


  1. "I can think of other things that might make your household 'more manageable'..."

    Keeping her legs closed instead of the windows, perchance?

  2. The Blocked Dwarf22 February 2017 at 10:33

    Boy, I bet he's in for a thrashing when...

    Oh. Of course not. It's not his fault, the poor little lamb!

    Don't get me wrong, I genuinely believe the banning of CP in schools (and the almost-ban on discipline at home) has done our society almost as much damage as the Smoking Verbot.

    BUT in this specific case, striking the child would not be a good idea. How do I know? Because I have been there, right there, and made that mistake. At best CP will teach him to get 'cleverer' and at worst can do him untold further mental 'damage'.

  3. I'm not defending the lass as she's clearly thick as mince, but she does have a point

    A shopkeeper is not supposed to accept a stolen card and an 8 year old using one should have raised a red flag

  4. I'd revisit the autism diagnosis for the 8 year old, if he can buy three mobiles using plausible excuses; and the ADHD: any excuse except lack of discipline from bad parenting.

  5. "Keeping her legs closed instead of the windows, perchance?"


    "BUT in this specific case, striking the child would not be a good idea."

    If he's genuinely ill, yes. But maybe, as anon points out, he's just a little bastard?

    "...she does have a point

    A shopkeeper is not supposed to accept a stolen card ..."

    Oh, yes, not excusing the equally dim store staff here!

    "I'd revisit the autism diagnosis for the 8 year old, if he can buy three mobiles using plausible excuses..."

