Friday 17 February 2017

Living The Thug Life....

The victim - who was alone - noticed the men sitting close to him, and when he got off they followed him along Stoke Newington Church Street. He heard one of them say: “Where do you think you’re going?” before being pushed into an alleyway and punched in his face repeatedly for a whole minute, causing deep lacerations.
His mobile phone was stolen along with his wallet which contained his driving licence, cash and a bank card.
And how did they celebrate their big heist?
The man staggered home and did not contact police until the next morning - while Benidito-Fazenda was at Westfield spending a few hundred pounds of his money in betting shops and fashion stores.
Then at the end of his shopping spree bank records show he used the bank card to order himself a kebab and chips.

H/T: wiggia via email


  1. A “violent” robber beat his victim about the face...

    Why the scare quotes?

  2. Ralfe Igor Benedito-Fazenda, a fine English name with a long and and honourable history.
    Oh, no! Wait! ....
    'Tis but a melanin-enriched person with little understanding of how civilisation actually works.

  3. Ralfe Igor Benedito-Fazenda: the NHS will collapse without people like him - just think of all the ‘business’ they provide it with.

  4. "Why the scare quotes?"

    I think most modern journalists regard them as enhancements, rather like gilding and filigree.

    "...the NHS will collapse without people like him - just think of all the ‘business’ they provide it with."

    Good point!
