Tuesday 7 February 2017

Safety First!

Evangelou, who describes himself as a Luciferian and had a room in his flat devoted to Satan, met the woman at Slimelight nightclub in Angel, on June 4 last year.
The pair travelled back to his flat on his Harley Davidson motorbike at 6am the following morning.
He told police he had taken two helmets to the club "in case he met someone".
You can't be too careful, after all...

H/T: wiggia via email


  1. What worries me is the fact that this unfortunate female seems not to have availed herself of an appointment to have her vision checked out at a registered optician/opthalmologist.

    I mean, if the victim had actually seen the accused in a clear light, she should have run two miles.

    So, in reality, could it not be argued that it was all her fault?

  2. As a (now retired, thank goodness) Police officer, I investigated quite a few sexual assaults and rapes and do not believe a rape is a woman's fault. It is the worst type of assault that a woman can be a victim of, so suggest your comment may have been somewhat in jest, bearing in mind the appearance of the offender. I understand there are quite a few bikers clubs in that area and if the victim was also a biker, you could equate it with a foolish young woman falling for the charms of a smooth talking bloke with a BMW coupe. Just saying.

  3. "...have her vision checked out at a registered optician/opthalmologist."

    Perhaps she felt they were a match made in heav... errr....

    "...and if the victim was also a biker, you could equate it with a foolish young woman falling for the charms of a smooth talking bloke with a BMW coupe. "

    You mean she might not have looked too dissimilar herself? Crikey!
