Monday 27 February 2017

We Return Again To The 'Spot The Difference' Competition...

Jade Dunne, 29, was charged today after the death of Dexter Neal.
Well, well, well....


  1. And the population of Essex is not surprised!

    I think we would have been astounded if it had been any different. Talk about different rules for them and us - the bent bastards.

  2. It would be so nice, one fine day, to read of a child who is celebrated for being thoughtful, reflective, observant rather than cheeky.

  3. "And the population of Essex is not surprised!"

    Never surprised, no. Often disappointed.

    "It would be so nice, one fine day, to read of a child who is celebrated for being thoughtful, reflective, observant rather than cheeky."

    Wouldn't it just.... :(
