Monday 6 February 2017

Who Said Crime Doesn't Pay? Part 78253489754328

Patrick McFetridge, 36, took the £1,200 bicycle — which was loaded with medical supplies — as it sat unlocked outside an office block in the City.
However, the building’s concierge took a photograph of him after seeing him flee and McFetridge handed himself in to police after seeing a media appeal for help in catching him.
At City of London magistrates’ court yesterday, McFetridge was jailed for eight weeks after admitting theft but was spared a £1,200 compensation bill for the bicycle, which was never recovered, because he is a serving prisoner.
The court heard that McFetridge had 26 previous convictions, including for theft and burglary.


  1. See, it’s like the Guardian says: prisons don't work - particularly the ones with the criminals outside of them.

  2. According to the link he was making a living out of "selling bikes on ebay". I hope the police looked into his sold items and compared them to lists of bikes stolen from the area.

  3. "See, it’s like the Guardian says: prisons don't work - particularly the ones with the criminals outside of them."

    Spot on!

    "I hope the police looked into his sold items and compared them to lists of bikes stolen from the area."

    You'd like to think so, wouldn't you?
