Saturday 18 February 2017

Yes, The Message It Sends Is 'It's Totes Worth It!'...

Det Con Georgina Black said she was pleased that the Quirks have been brought to justice
“They have shown no remorse for their crime and have failed to admit their guilt throughout.”
She thanked Mr Cook for his help with the investigation and added: “I hope this will send a clear warning to anyone else who thinks it is okay to steal from their employer.”
Oh, really?
The Quirks were charged with theft by employee on March 9 2016 and found guilty at Snaresbrook Crown Court on December 7.
Seven other employees were found not guilty. On Friday January 13 Mr Quirk was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment, suspended for 24 months, and ordered to carry out 300 hours of community service.
His 52-year-old wife received an eight-month sentence, also suspended for 24 months, and 100 hours of community services.
Both have to pay a victim surcharge of £100.
And the amount they stole? Estimated to be hundreds of thousands of pounds...
Kevin Quirk managed the butcher’s shop, whilst his wife Brenda was the sales supervisor, and between them they stole a vast quantity of cash from their boss over nine years.
Rob Cook bought the shop in 2006, and realised in 2015 that for the entire time, a second till had been used for all cash sales after 4.45pm every Monday to Thursday.
Yes, Mr Quirk is evidently an idiot but....hundreds of thousands of pounds, and they get suspended sentances?


  1. I wonder why her age is relevant, but not his?

  2. I don't understand this. The courts usually deviate from their woefully inadequate sentencing choices when there is a case of theft from an employer, so I had a look at what other sentences Snaresbrook had been dishing out. Christ almighty, I think they must have been in a state of shock to have a case that wasn't murder, rape, GBH, ABH, child sex abuse or any number of other horrific crimes that they normally deal with. On a brighter note, there was a fair amount of diversity to celebrate.

  3. "I wonder why her age is relevant, but not his?"

    If it had been the 'Mail' we'd have found out how much his house was worth too!

    "Christ almighty, I think they must have been in a state of shock to have a case that wasn't murder, rape, GBH, ABH, child sex abuse or any number of other horrific crimes that they normally deal with. "

    And all I got when I did jury duty there was insurance fraud and breach of restraining order... :(
