Friday 10 March 2017

59 People York Can Probably Do Without For A Day...

York Stand up to Racism will be taking a 59 seater coach to the capital on Saturday, March 18 March to join the National March Against Racism organised by Stand up to Racism.
They will join campaigners in saying EU workers are welcome and should not be used as a bargaining chip, and refugees and migrants are welcome and contribute much to the economy; and in rejecting anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and racism in all its forms.
I'm sure York will be happy to see the back of them. It must be a welcome relief, even if just for one day.


  1. Let me guess... no whites allowed?

  2. So what happens if an islamic expresses his voews on Jews?

  3. "Let me guess... no whites allowed?"

    No, there'll be plenty of those! The non-white are too busy working.

    "So what happens if an islamic expresses his voews on Jews?"

    Everyone politely agrees that he doesn't really mean that/was driven to it by colonialism/should go stand for the Lib Dems...
