Monday 13 March 2017

If Only He'd Driven A Bin Lorry....

The court heard Thompson was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 1999 and suffered deteriorating health problems, including with his eyes and feet. Mr Bagnall said he was prescribed medication “at various stages” but repeatedly failed to take it or attend appointments.
He also failed to tell bosses about his health problems on annual self-declaration forms.
Judge John Lodge said Thompson’s undisclosed health problems were an “aggravating factor”.
 ...or maybe it's being in Scotland rather than England that's the charm?
Thompson was jailed for eight months for causing death by careless driving and four months for fraud, making a total of 12 months.
Nowhere near enough, but at least the authorities in England take some action.


  1. Did anyone read the comments below the linked article? There seem to be a group of single celled organisms involved in a private conversation that is completely unrelated to the story. The first part of the thread lacks a single coherent thought and left me shaking my head in complete bafflement.


  2. "There seem to be a group of single celled organisms involved in a private conversation that is completely unrelated to the story."

    Ah, yes. Local newspaper comment sections always have a few, errrr, 'characters'.
