Wednesday 8 March 2017

Inexplicable Decisions

During a nine-day trial at Preston Crown Court a jury was told how Bamford had stabbed 42-year-old Mr Keen 15 times, including ten in the back, at the victim’s home in Darwen.
Well, that's clearly murd...

The jury of nine men and three women took 14 and a half hours to convict him of manslaughter...
*baffled face*
The verdict was met with cries of joy from Bamford’s family who have been present throughout the trial.
What a lovely bunch they must be. And such lovely 'friends'.
Preston Crown Court heard how Paul Swift and Reece Hignett had been paid to pick up Daniel Bamford, knowing he had stabbed someone from Darwen.
But the court heard neither man knew the 18-year-old had killed Michael Keen at his home in Hazel Avenue when they were dispatched to Darwen by the drugs gang Bamford was a part of at around 4pm on August 25.
 They should have the book thrown at them. But, of course....
Swift was jailed for 52 months and Hignett was sent to a young offender’s institution for 30 months.
Bamford, of Harvey Lane, Golborne, who was found guilty of the manslaughter of Mr Keen will be sentenced at a later date after the defence requested psychologist and pre-sentence reports.
 I can save you the trouble. He's a weasel-faced little scrote. Bang him up for life.


  1. Stabbing someone once would support the defence they did not wish to kill that person, but, deliberately and consciously, stabbing some a further 14 times would negate that defence. Perhaps no one on the jury would want to upset the local drug lords. In such cases, where there is a local connection, the trial should take place in another part of the country.

  2. "Perhaps no one on the jury would want to upset the local drug lords."

    Or they are just thick?

  3. Full of shit this!
    The lad was woken from sleep with the "smack and crack heads" holding a knife in his throat and hitting him repeatdly over his head with a metal bar. Imagine being woke up to that? Fuck that it's me or them. You do what you have to in order to survive ya sad fucks

  4. Julia m maybe your a thick fool for believing what's written in the papers. Was you not taught to belive facts?
