Saturday 11 March 2017

Integration, Integration, Integration...?

The inquest became heated when the car driver and the two teenage passengers gave evidence, an observer in court told the Standard.
Tempers boiled over when the footage not previously seen by Mr Ebrahim’s family and friends was played, confirming what happened.
Isn't that what an inquest is for? To confirm what happened?
The friend who survived the crash — who was knocked unconscious temporarily and suffered a broken elbow — was said to have been particularly infuriated with the driver, who had moved from the witness box to avoid blocking the view of the TV screen.
“There was a mass brawl,” the court observer said, adding: “Mr Ebrahim’s family tried to separate them. The coroner adjourned proceedings.”
Police in court broke up the fight and extra officers and an ambulance were called. The Met said a man was arrested on suspicion of GBH and affray.
And he'll no doubt be let off.
Police had previously decided not to prosecute the driver for Mr Ebrahim’s death. According to the observer, this added to the tensions in the court. It is thought that Mr Ebrahim’s friends did not know the driver and car passengers would be there to give evidence.
Wait, what?

Are they completely clueless as to the point of an inquest? Does this maybe need to be added to the citizenship test?
The observer said: “There was extreme provocation — seeing the crash yourself for the first time, your friend being killed and sitting next to this guy who was driving. As the case was progressing, I thought it would turn out badly.”
It never has in the past. Has it?


  1. Isn't it the "will of God"? Why are they kicking off when "Gods" will has been done?

    Also why wasn't the driver charged with a failure to stop. Was it because stopping would have been fatal, or were the driver and occupants of the car were also from a protected group?

  2. "Also why wasn't the driver charged with a failure to stop. Was it because stopping would have been fatal, or were the driver and occupants of the car were also from a protected group?"

    This being London, it could be either, or both!
