Tuesday 7 March 2017

It Doesn't Take Hercule Poirot, Does It?

RSPCA inspector Rebecca Benson said: “The heart-breaking sight of this mare was reported to us by concerned passers-by.
“All the evidence points to her being still alive when she was dumped, and in the process of giving birth, but although I got there as soon as I could after we were called - she was already dead.
“We think she was probably abandoned in this sensitive state overnight the night before, perhaps to avoid getting expensive veterinary treatment.
“The poor mare would have been alone, in pain, and frightened by the traffic passing on the road, so close to her face.
“We don’t know if it was complications with her pregnancy which killed her, but it is desperately sad that she was left without any veterinary care in such an exposed spot and when she was at her most vulnerable.
“We urge anyone with any information about this incident to call us, in strictest confidence, on 0300 123 8018.”
Yes, it's a mystery, isn't it? Almost as big a mystery as the mystery of how your hopeless organisation continues to receive donations from gullible idiots who believe your claims.


  1. "We'd have been there sooner but there was no camera crew available"

  2. Would it be too much to suggest the poor animal was shoved off the back of a flatbed truck which then returned to a place where there were a load of caravans?

  3. O/T but you might want to keep an eye on this.

    A woman has been charged with rape.


  4. Or this.


  5. Y’know, sometimes I just get down on my knees and thank Heaven for the diverse, empowered and ‘hope-not-hate’ society that we live in.

  6. The Blocked Dwarf8 March 2017 at 18:48

    Y’know, sometimes I just get down on my knees and thank Heaven for the diverse, empowered and ‘hope-not-hate’ society that we live in.-Greencoat

    Comment.Of.The.Day /end

  7. "...but there was no camera crew available"

    That's a far more likely explanation!

    "..which then returned to a place where there were a load of caravans?"


    "O/T but you might want to keep an eye on this.

    A woman has been charged with rape. "

    Ooh, I do indeed! I did wonder about how a woman could be charged with this...but then the 'Mail' provided the answer!

    "Or this."

    Blimey! My cup runneth over!

  8. "Comment.Of.The.Day /end"

    Indeed! *sighs* But can't put that genie back in the bottle now.
