Monday 27 March 2017

Nick Cohen Knows Who The Real Enemy Is...

Writing in the 'Observer':
The power of the conspiratorial right is creating a new world and to fight it you must understand it as well as expose it.
Yes, it's 'the right', despite their total lack of bleeding and dying victims lying in the streets of our capital.
...the alt-right is not saying that human rights are universal or they are nothing. It damns human rights, however they are applied. It doesn’t want a multiculturalism that does not use fake accusations of racism and Islamophobia as a cover for the abuse of religious power. It wants a white monoculture. It maintains that hundreds of millions of people with wildly variant beliefs can be lumped together as “the Muslims”.
Those 'wildly variant' beliefs that all seem to stem from the one 'holy' book, you mean?
The feminist fighting sharia councils is no different from the apologist for Iran.
The feminist he links to isn't, of course, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who the right have been protecting from liberals since she had to flee Holland. It's someone I've never heard of.

And probably no-one outside Cohen's purse-lipped circle of self-fellating 'intellectuals' has heard of her, either.
If all Muslims in the west are the same, what should happen to Muslim citizens in the west? Should there be a Muslim register, as Trump has suggested? Should they be deported? If converts to Islam can turn terrorist, should conversion to Islam be banned as conversion to Christianity is banned in Saudi Arabia? After men such as Farage stop blaming liberals, what are their plans for the immigrants who are now our fellow citizens?
Once, it would have been hysterical even to suggest such questions. Today, I wish our tame broadcasters would ask them.
Now you want the media to start 'asking questions'? Are you sure? You do realise you and your ilk don't get to set those questions?


  1. If any ideology remotely like Islam had mainly white followers the Guardian, BBC etc etc would, quite rightly, be queuing up to condemn and stamp it out.
    Point out this indisputable observation on CIF and your comment will be gone without trace.

  2. Indeed. Cohen has not learned from the Brexit vote and the rise of Trump. A few more atrocities and when the "questions" he thinks are so outrageous DO eventually get asked....round up? deport, register?....there is every likelihood there will be more than enough pissed-off Judaeo-Christians, general agnostics brought up in that tradition ( a huge swathe of the populace to which I belong) and the out and out xenophobes to overwhelmingly say...Well...yes...if you would not mind. We would like all of those things and a few more.
    The sooner these nettles are grasped the fewer people are going to get hurt.

  3. 'hundreds of millions of people with wildly variant beliefs can be lumped together as “the Muslims”.

    Mr Cohen is right, y’see, because there’s Muslims who want to behead us, and there’s Muslims who want to blow us up, and there’s Muslims who want to enslave us....

  4. 'Should there be a Muslim register, as Trump has suggested? Should they be deported? If converts to Islam can turn terrorist, should conversion to Islam be banned as conversion to Christianity is banned in Saudi Arabia?

    Hey, I should’ve read on - this guy is just brimming with great ideas! Keep ’em coming Nick!

  5. "If any ideology remotely like Islam had mainly white followers..."

    Well, there's the Nazis, I suppo... Hey, Ken, what are you doing here?

    "Cohen has not learned from the Brexit vote and the rise of Trump. "

    He's not alone in that. I don't think anyone has, not yet.

    Or they think if they just keep on keeping on, they'll wear us down.

    "Mr Cohen is right, y’see, because there’s Muslims who want to behead us, and there’s Muslims who want to blow us up, and there’s Muslims who want to enslave us...."


    "...this guy is just brimming with great ideas! Keep ’em coming Nick!"

    The words of Sun Tzu come to mind once more ;)
