Thursday 9 March 2017

What's The Point Any More?

Roy Hedges, 61, formerly of Claremont Road, Basildon, carried out two assaults within hours of each other on March 7 last year.
An ambulance crew was called to his home at about 5.30am with concerns for Hedge’s welfare.
Basildon Crown Court heard a female paramedic attended with a male colleague and found Hedges “glugging” from a bottle of cider.
David Baird, prosecuting, said at one stage the male left the house and “almost straight away” Hedges started to make “very unpleasant comments.”
He said: “The defendant told her: ‘You have got a body like my wife. Nice bum.’ He goes on to tell her what his wife enjoyed sexually.”
Hedges followed her into the living room, where he rubbed her breasts with the back of his forearm and said: “I’m going to get your knickers off you.”
The ambulance crew left and reported the incident to superiors.
So he took himself off to roam the streets in search of new victims,
However, just two hours later Hedges approached an 11-year-old girl at a bus stop while drinking from a can of beer.
Hedges, who now lives in Rayleigh with a friend, again started speaking about his wife, who died the previous year.
Mr Baird said the girl “started feeling uncomfortable” but he backed her into a corner and twice brushed her chest with the back of his arm.
During the incident he said: “Do you know what I like to do?” When the girl tried to run away he grabbed her dress.
She managed to break free and called her uncle, who detained Hedges at the scene.
 I hope, not gently. He was arrested, and then, of course, the justice system got to feel all magnanimous and progressive:
Judge John lodge handed him a 14 month prison sentence, suspended for 18 months, and with a rehabilitation activity requirement.
He said Hedges “took advantage” of the paramedic while she was in a “particularly vulnerable position” in his home. The judge said the assault on the child was “distressing and worrying”.
He added: “If he hits the drink and misbehaves in this way again then he will go inside.”
What's wrong with putting him inside now?


  1. Hedges, who now lives in Rayleigh with a friend, again started speaking about his wife, who died the previous year.

    Anybody checked whether he was married, had a wife, was on good terms with her, or whether she existed at all?

    The old 'I miss my wife' excuse is sometimes used by sex offenders to get closer to victims. It is remarkably successful in that people are disinclined to challenge the bereaved and give them a lattitude which they would not otherwise get. It is a kind of fraud. The wife need not ever have existed for the effect to work.

  2. "Anybody checked whether he was married, had a wife, was on good terms with her, or whether she existed at all? "

    Pshaw! Details, details...

  3. His “wife” was my sister. She did indeed die the year before but they were never married. He was a drunk way before that/. He has been an alcoholic for years and a very unpleasant man.

  4. This man was my neighbour up untill July 2022 when he torched his flat. A very rude alcoholic always calling ambulances at all hours of the day and night, police and fire brigade attended on many occasions. Nothing was mentioned on essex news about the arson and it was all very hush hush as if to protect him. To this day 01/23 I have no idea what happened to him. Why are nonces protected in this way?

  5. As a Christian I am not so quick to judge him. Yes he did call Ambulances a lot but he Ill physically and mentally. I don't see him just as this negative person. He not all bad.
