Sunday 26 March 2017

When You're In Such A Hurry To Publish, The Sub Heading Makes No Sense...

Islington is in Essex? And you can be arrested for points? Damn, the Met are going to be after me, I've got lots of points, I've played PokemonGo for months!

Of course, if you click through, you find out they mean Essex Road in Islington. As for the 'points', that's still a mystery...


  1. You really are mean to the DM:- don't forget it's put together by 12-yr old interns training for YTS positions.

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats27 March 2017 at 20:29

    Perhaps they had this in mind?

  3. "You really are mean to the DM..."

    I know, I should really pick on the 'Telegraph' more, since they are almost as bad some days...

    "Perhaps they had this in mind?"

