Tuesday 11 April 2017

I Think This Only Works If The Dog's Named 'Lassie'...

She pleaded not guilty to two charges of owning a dog dangerously out of control and claimed that on December 4 Jim had been at home with her.
“There are quite a lot of Alsatians in the area,” she said.
She told the court that on December 5 she was panicking because she was unwell and, fearing that she was having a stroke or a breakdown, let Jim out to go to her parents’ house for help.
I really don't know how magistrates keep a straight face, sometimes...


  1. Or as Mrs Dale would have said "I'm worried about Jim lately"

  2. "She told the court that on December 5 she was panicking because she was unwell and, fearing that she was having a stroke or a breakdown, let Jim out to go to her parents’ house for help."

    It is plausible. When I was a child our poodle frequently asked to be let out, then trotted down to my father's business to visit him. She'd sit at door until a customer opened door.

    However, I tend not to believe chavs - she's guilty.

  3. "Or as Mrs Dale would have said "I'm worried about Jim lately""


    "However, I tend not to believe chavs - she's guilty."

    It's a wonder anyone bothers with a trial for these 'people'.
