Thursday 20 April 2017

Telling It Like It Is...

New powers to move on travellers and rough sleepers have been dubbed “ethnic cleansing” by campaigners.
Protesters called on Brighton and Hove City Council to revoke the new Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs), which have only been enforced in the city since Saturday.
Ah, the usual suspects...
Gemma Challenger, of the Friends, Families and Travellers group, presented a petition of more than 5,000 signatures against the orders. She said: “This is ethnic cleansing. This is an attack on the gypsy way of life.
“Unless this is not overturned by the council this will be challenged through the courts at great cost to the council.”
It's about time it cost agitators like you an equal amount. Perhaps then you'd think twice.
Protesters caused disruption as they left the meeting and then tried to storm the town hall after security staff eventually locked them out. Sussex Police were also called to attend.
I wonder if they even bothered to arrest anyone?

For once, the council seems to have found a tiny piece of backbone:
Cllr Theobald said: “As far as I and my residents are concerned, this has nothing to do with specific groups or the homeless, it is to do with people driving up in very expensive motorcars and very expensive caravans and parking on cricket, rugby and football pitches. This council has already provided, at quite considerable cost, a transit site. I don’t think this council could do anything more to try and provide for everyone.”
Well, except for the other usual suspects, of cource:
Green convenor Phelim MacCafferty said existing by-laws would be better suited to tackle antisocial behaviour than “untested” new powers and said it was part of the city’s “raffish charm” to welcome all.
He said: “It is not a crime to be homeless, it is a fault of society.”
I wonder where he lives?


  1. “It is not a crime to be homeless, it is a fault of society.”

    What utter moonbatted twaddle.

  2. Is it possible to deport these travellers?

  3. As you know I'm a big friend of the 'travelling community'. Any random appraisal of my blog will see numerous posts extolling the virtues of the law abiding, tax eschewing community of itinerant folk. Nothing wrong with these lovely people that a cluster bomb and rampant napalm couldn't solve.

  4. Bunny,

    What's wrong with ethnic cleansing? Just asking for a friend, he's Serbian.

  5. A couple of years ago, a group of Caravan Utilising Nomadic Travellers pulled onto a site cleared for building near Middlesbrough. After refusing to leave, the site manager arranged for a number of vehicles to pull onto the site during the hours of darkness and were parked so close to the vans that they couldn't open the doors. A note was passed through an open window that the site was closing down for four days. In the event, it was reopened after 12 hours following consultation between the site owner, the Police and, by phone, the travellers leader. It is possible to cause as much inconvenience to traveller as they cause, and to remain within the law.

  6. "What utter moonbatted twaddle."

    Well, it IS Brighton!

    "Nothing wrong with these lovely people that a cluster bomb and rampant napalm couldn't solve."

    Now you're talking!

    "It is possible to cause as much inconvenience to traveller as they cause, and to remain within the law."

    Yes, but it takes time & effort and nerve that most working people don't have to spare...
