Tuesday 23 May 2017

But Irony Is, It's No Longer Shocking....

Woke up this morning, put in the radio, wondered why Vanessa Feltz wasn't wittering on as usual, tuned in with half an ear as I made the tea and fed the cats.

That's how I learned about the Manchester terrorist atrocity.

Nigel Farage tweeted this morning that the bomb was targeted at children, and this would be 'a big shock for the UK'. Would it? Really?


We go to the polls in a few weeks. Choose wisely.


  1. Voting is peaceful politics. Bombing is not.
    How to fight back is the next question. Vigils, flowers, teddy-bears ... This is not the way to combat this declaration of war.
    Those to whom we have given succour are now turned against us, and by 'us' I mean the 'khuffur' inhabitants of this Isle, no matter their colour or creed. If the existing Government does not take strong and effective action, there's going to be civil strife.
    We, the inhabitants of this country, do not want the threatened imposition of Sharia Law and all that this encompasses.

  2. Beyond words now and angry for so long I'm just lost.

  3. "there's going to be civil strife. " no there wont.
    You all voted mass immigration , devolution etc etc in.
    Anyway both sides like the occasional bomb. It gives prestige to the ROP.
    And gradually does the state good. It will all become ho hum. And in the mean time there with be identity cards and local passports and augmented 'Hate' crimes.
    The polis adore this sort of thing.

  4. Apart from missing your usual radio show, this news appears to have upset you less than Hillsborough, JuliaM. Why, in less than a fortnight you will be publishing the jokes!

  5. Choice? Have II missed the party planning to intern and deport all extremists forthwith then shut down their mosques, schools and benefits?

  6. "How to fight back is the next question. Vigils, flowers, teddy-bears ... This is not the way to combat this declaration of war."

    No indeed. Yet, it seems it's all we have...

    "And gradually does the state good. It will all become ho hum."

    It's frightening just how quickly that happens now.

    "...this news appears to have upset you less than Hillsborough, JuliaM. "


    "Choice? Have II missed the party planning to intern and deport all extremists forthwith then shut down their mosques, schools and benefits?"

    It doesn't matter who you vote for, a politician always wins... :(
