Tuesday 9 May 2017

"Give Us The Failing School And No One'll Get Hurt!"

A failing Muslim school has been shut down by Ofsted - but bosses argued being closed could lead to the radicalisation of students.
Sounds familiar...
The Trust argued that children attending the school were avoiding potential 'radicalisation' during 'unregistered home schooling' by ultra-religious family members.
Also sounds like the Trust isn't discharging its statutory duty to report this to the Prevent project...
It was also submitted that the school addressed the 'fine balance of the requirements of parents seeking a very conservative and traditional Islamic education with the need to introduce a wider modern context.'
If that's the education they want, why are they here, in a modern, mostly-secular, liberal country?
Pupils, particularly girls, would face the prospect of no schooling at all were Ayasofia shut down, it was said.
Which is illegal, and should see parents hauled before the courts, no?

H/T: David Bain via email


  1. These people, in common with those lovable itinerant Irish, are now a protected species.

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats13 May 2017 at 17:19

    Hmmmm. Presumably those same "very conservative and traditional" parents aren't balking at sending their children to this school because the wider modern context is neither meaningfully wide nor modern.

  3. "One rule for them."

    Yup :/

    "These people, in common with those lovable itinerant Irish, are now a protected species."

    Which is not helping the 'community cohesion' that the State claims to desire so...

    "Presumably those same "very conservative and traditional" parents aren't balking at sending their children to this school because the wider modern context is neither meaningfully wide nor modern."

    Spot on!
