Friday 5 May 2017

Judge Samantha 'Lenient' Leigh, Folks...

Mr Whitcombe said despite Balderstone not entering a guilty plea until the day of the trial, he did so because he had genuine remorse and wanted to spare Mr Dowsett giving evidence.
He said: “He wished to avoid Mr Dowsett coming to court because he predicted it wouldn’t do anyone any good and did not want to force him to relive what could have been a far more tragic incident. Had a vehicle been following then heaven knows what could have taken place."
Nice try, but it's not really going to help, is it?
The court heard a driver who witnessed the incident said Balderstone was “swerving across lanes” and the driving was “deliberate”.
Quite. You'd have to be a moron not to see that...

Oh. Spoke too soon.
Judge Samantha Leigh (Ed: Oh, gawd..!) handed him a 20-month prison sentence, suspended for 24 months, and disqualified him from driving for 24 months. He must also complete 240 hours of unpaid work and pay £500 costs.

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