Thursday 25 May 2017

The 'Guardian' Is So Busy Monstering Morrisey For Wrongthink...


...that they trip over themselves in their haste to continue the narrative at all costs:

Will he? Gosh. Are you sure?

Nor is the 'Guardian' alone in pushing the jihadi agenda:

Check out the burkha!

The REAL 'FakeNews'..!

So at what point to we start to treat the progressive MSM as what they are? Quislings & enablers?


  1. As far as Rizwaan Sabir's comment is concerned, the role we played was letting the father in when Libya had an arrest warrant out for him. We gave him political asylum. If he escapes from Libyan detention will we give him asylum again?

  2. Suzanne Moore has also jumped the shark bigtime. It is almost impossible to read her article on Manchester without howling in disbelief.

  3. The thing with the Sikh cabbie being turned into a Muslim, I don't see that as a conscious effort to dissemble, I see it more as an indictment of the UK 'education' system - the little girlie working for Cosmopolitan will have been to uni, and had her 'education', but will have never actually worked out (or been told) that not all brown skinned people are Muslims. He brown, he's wearing a funny hat, he must be a Muslim, right????

  4. Sobers: oh god, I don't know which is worse.

  5. Next time a Muslim tells you Islam is a religion of peace, ask him what 'taqiya' means.

  6. So at what point to we start to treat the progressive MSM as what they are? Quislings & enablers?

    Many of us have long been doing so.

  7. "If he escapes from Libyan detention will we give him asylum again?"

    Probably! And that's even if Corbyn doesn't get in... :(

    "Suzanne Moore has also jumped the shark bigtime."

    She left sharks behind long ago. Must be up to blue whales by now.

    "...I don't see that as a conscious effort to dissemble, I see it more as an indictment of the UK 'education' system..."

    But she was told he was Sikh!

    "Many of us have long been doing so."

