Saturday 20 May 2017

The Tangible Whiff Of Desperation Permeates The 'Guardian'...

And the arguments get even more bizarre and narrowly-focussed:

There's a glimmer of hope:

But it seems no-one's listening. Oh, well... *orders more popcorn*


  1. I'm getting beer in for the night of the 8th of June. I will not be watching any political thing though, just recordings or a DVD.

  2. Penny pepper? As one who does not frequent the Gruniad, is that a real name?

  3. The end of British art "as we know it"? It's a well known fact that no British person ever painted a picture, composed any music or wrote a book before 1973.

  4. "I will not be watching any political thing though, just recordings or a DVD."

    I've got those two days off. The hangover will be Biblical! :)

    "Penny pepper? As one who does not frequent the Gruniad, is that a real name?"

    Who can tell any more? I think most of them can't possibly be real!

  5. Please stop referring to the Guardian. I have only recentley managed to cure my addiction to the mixture of hysteria, hyperbole, depression, victimhood, misplaced optimism and hopelesses that the average CIF thread is composed of.
    Thank you.

  6. Sorry, but it's such a rich vein to mine!
