Friday 19 May 2017

Well, I Think Gruinard's Still Available..?

Southend Council has confirmed it is to refurbish the empty Wentworth Road school building, former Cecil Jones Lower School, and use it to cater for children who have been excluded from school for behavioural and emotional issues.
Nice for the neighbours...
But not everyone viewed it as a positive move.
I'm shocked!
Resident Chrissy Bacon, 42, said: “No thanks. It’s going to be a nightmare.
"The last kids we had there used to leave lots of rubbish outside the house. You couldn’t even park your car.
“I’m not looking forward to it reopening, it’s going to be bedlam.
I don’t really want it there. I don’t suppose anybody else who lives here does either, to be honest.”
I'm betting no councillors or council heads live anywhere near it!
On the Echo’s website Shocked Resident posted: “To see this on Facebook last night and to be told it was in the Echo I am shocked & disgusted that no thought has been given to the residents.
“I have lived here for 25 years and we have never had any issues. Well done to those concerned that have now made a nice road into a worried neighbourhood.
“Maybe if you had kept us informed things would be different!”
Good luck moving, too, now everyone knows what's in store...

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