Sunday 28 May 2017

Yikes, Better Pull The Communication Cord!

I mean, we wouldn't want that...


  1. The poster claims that my contribution will be doubled. How? Magic or theft?

  2. Circle line running so slow that children are dying? Then I read on...

  3. Might be just a story but I remember someone seeing Bono in concert once and he started giving one of his lefty-lectures. He started clapping slowly and declared to the crowd - "every time I clap a child dies". A wag in the audience shouted back "well stop f**king clapping then"

  4. Reminds me of the Geldoff/Bono moment (if this is even true) when he was doing a concert, and started a slow clap. To which he said seriously 'Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies'

    To which a punter shouts out 'Well stop clapping!'

  5. "How? Magic or theft?"

    With fakecharities, it's always the latter...

    "Might be just a story..."

    Probably, but it's what sprang to mind when I saw that advert!
