Wednesday 28 June 2017

A Question I Think We've All Felt Like Asking...

Tyrone Castello was seen last month on Channel 5 documentary Inside the Gang, talking about his experiences in London gangs and his efforts to make it as a self-publishing rap artist.
But the 39-year-old, of Tyrone Avenue, Southend, was arrested just after Christmas for brandishing the pointed weapon in Queen’s Road, Southend.
Well, if I was going to Queen's Road outside of daylight hours, I might feel the need for a wee rapier or cutlass too....
Castello arrived one hour late for his trial at Basildon Crown Court because he had to raise the money to pay for a bus ticket - which Judge David Owen-Jones (Ed: Oh, hai!) labelled a “lame excuse”.
Gosh, it's like they have no respect for the might and majesty of our justice system, isn't it? I wonder why...
He immediately remanded Castello into custody, calling him “totally irresponsible” because he had already failed to attend two previous hearings.
That'll show him the court system isn't to be trifled with!
Castello was told he will be sentenced on June 26 and must remain in custody until then, at which point he shouted: “Are you serious man? What the hell is going on?”
You'll find out. I hope. I won't hold my breath.


  1. 'Tyrone from Tyrone Avenue'. Don't ask him for his name and where he lives in the same breath. Might confuse the poor lad.

  2. "Last month, Castello, who goes by the stage name Red Rum..",

    I wonder if that is a drink or a reference to The Shining?

    He told filmmakers: “I wasted 17 years cos I went to prison. In and out for most of my life. I wonder how deep my demons really are. Sometimes I wonder what is it I’m dealing with.”

    Theodore Dalrymple would be tittering at that one!

  3. "'Tyrone from Tyrone Avenue'. Don't ask him for his name and where he lives in the same breath. Might confuse the poor lad."


    "He got 1 year and 9 months. "

    So will serve what, 9 months?

    "Theodore Dalrymple would be tittering at that one!"

    Wouldn't he just!
