Friday 30 June 2017

More Exercises In Futility...

A banned driver who drove to get a hair cut has avoided jail. Liam Page decided to take friends for a trip to have the trim but was ignoring court orders by doing so.
Well, why shouldn't he? There are, after all, no consequences for not obeying them.
Page was on a suspended sentence for offences in Colchester. He had trashed a house after crashing a car into the wall of a house, refused a breath test, had a lock knife and found to be producing cannabis.
Or, as we say in these part, 'Normal for Essex',,,
Lucy Osbourne, mitigating, said: “He knows he has made a mistake.
“You will see he has previous convictions and he is not proud of it.”
Really? You could have fooled me!
Page was sentenced to a 12 month community order with six points on his licence, when he gets it back next year.
Why should he ever get it back?


  1. The Blocked Dwarf30 June 2017 at 09:36

    I see you your 'normal for essex' and raise you a proper 'Normal For Norfolk':

    In what universe can you kick a female officer in the groin, threaten to 'stab her up' (English and how she is spoken in Norfolk?) and not at least get a severely worded telling off , let alone not go to prison for it?

  2. Jesus! In most other countries, they'd be face down in the dirt, slowly reaching ambient temperature.
