Wednesday 14 June 2017

Terrible, Terrible Cuts!

Dozens of primary school students lay down in the road and played dead as part of a shocking safety campaign.
I thought schools were overburdened?
Constable Leigh Allen, community officer for Clackmannanshire West said: 'We were happy to support this event organised by the parents' council. 'It highlights how dangerous it is to park on the double yellow lines outside the school.
'Officers attended to ensure the road was free of traffic so it was safe for the children to lie down on the road.'
I thought police were stretched to the limit?


  1. Surely the point would have been better made if the kids lay in the road while the police diverted all traffic onto that road?

  2. I regret to disagree to Grandad. I think the police and teachers should have laid in the road and then the children would see what could happen. Then they could have gone home to tell their parents that there would be no school for a while and could they read quietly at home or visit historical locations.

  3. Isn't laying in the road "causing an obstruction" and hence illegal? Or are the laws different in Scotland?

  4. Hang on! "We were happy to support this event organised by the parents' council"? Who, but parents, park on double yellows outside schools?

  5. And, having actually looked at the article, there's a wee little chap laid down in front of someone's yellow line in sight!

    "Oh dear! I didn't see him there, what are all you teachers and police doing?"

  6. Mr Plod is left isolated and despised by natural predispositions to lying and crying wolf.

  7. He's back. Still mad as a hatter as well.

  8. @ 'Lightening' Jaded
    I rebuke myself often and contemplate the craziest ideas. But it is my uncertainty about so many things which leads to the inescapable conclusion that I am sane. Having said that, I would dread the limitations of a virtually unused brain; confined to so little knowledge that I could be absolutely sure of a few you are.

  9. "Surely the point would have been better made if the kids lay in the road while the police diverted all traffic onto that road?"


    "Or are the laws different in Scotland?"

    I guess if it's OK to lay in your crashed car until you die, the police have no problem with you laying in the road either!

    "Who, but parents, park on double yellows outside schools?"


  10. " ...there's a wee little chap laid down in front of someone's yellow line in sight!

    "Oh dear! I didn't see him there, what are all you teachers and police doing?""


    "He's back. Still mad as a hatter as well."

    No, he's got a point here. Are you happy that the 'overstretched' police service wastes time on this?
