Wednesday 21 June 2017

That Moment When.... realise you've climbed aboard a tiger, and can't figure out how to dismount without getting bitten.
Party sources insisted Mr Corbyn had no plans to attend the rally or speak at the event and in a comment a spokeswoman said: “The Labour Party has no involvement whatsoever in this event.”
Their grubby fingerprints are all over it.
The outraged comments come days after shadow Chancellor John McDonnell said a million people should “take to the streets to force Theresa May from power”.
The police should be investigating him for that comment. But they are overstretched, I suppose, dealing with heinous crimes.

A pox on all of them. If police get hurt during this march, I suddenly realise I don't much care, as they aren't so very different from the marchers themselves...

H/T: Mud in the Blood & WoaR in comments


  1. There was a young lady from Niger, who smiled as she rode on a tiger. They returned from the ride, with the lady inside, and the smile on the face of the tiger...

  2. One may think it would nice if a million people marched on McDonell' s constituency to force him out, though he would argue that that would be against the democratic process. I don't think Labour get irony.

  3. "A pox on all of them. If police get hurt during this march, I suddenly realise I don't much care, as they aren't so very different from the marchers themselves..."
    Rather unfair, I feel. The majority of coppers, the beat nbobbies you'll see marching alongside the protestors, keeping the peace, just want to get on with the jhob they joined the Police for - catching criminals and helping to make life a little easier easier for the rest of us. It's those in the higher positions, with the sociology degrees, who decide the policies that we have to be wary of. Apart from being the officer in charge when a Brazilian electrician wa shot, she has done nothing of note (heading various departments, without actually having done the work herself, doesn't count).
    Those men and women walking alongside the professi0nal agitators and trying so hard not to be wound up by them deserve our respect, not our hatred and contempt. I know. I was one of them once.

  4. And speaking of mawkish sentiment...along pops Penise with his personal renditions of 'beat nbobbies' (whatever they may be) and the fictional TV era of 'keeping the peace.' After the first five lines, it became difficult resisting the temptation to whistle the Dixon theme which point, I could stomach no more.

  5. I've known a few Bill in my time. I can only agree with the above.

    We are engaging in hugely expensive efforts to impose democracy upon those who don't want it, who don't understand it, and never will. At the same time Europe has abandoned democracy, the USA are heavily against it, Britain is railing against it, and Russia seems to have the answer. Where is our very own Vladimir?

  6. Similar scenario in the US: Those who make it to police chief and above are often those who took a career track specifically aimed at gaining rank above all else. Thus they have typically spent little, or at least much less time doing real police work.

  7. A week ago Comrade McDonnell was calling for the armies of the left - he wanted a million people - to take to the streets and take down the masters.

    And three hundred turned up. That is what Labour is trying to disassociate itself from as hard as it can. And it's interesting that despite a usual rabid rant from Owen Jones in this morning's Grauniad even he makes no mention of the failed revolution anywhere.

  8. If you want to catch a turbot, you have to use the correct bait. One mention to the support of beat PCs and up pops Melv, or Empty Gee as he is known by his street name. No serious or sensible contribution, just McDonnell type insults, still using crayons to draft his comments, as he is not allowed sharp objects.

  9. Ever a slave to your own foolishness you embarked upon this fishing trip just for moi, Penise?

  10. XX he is not allowed sharp objects.XX That explains his "wit." It may have been sharp at one time, as sharp as a lawn mower blade even, but nursey took it off him.

  11. @ Ragnar Von Arschloch. Rumours were rife that diabetes complications had left you severely handicapped and dependent on 'Hilfen für behinderte Menschen'. I was so relieved to discover that you were being prosecuted by the Bezirksamt for making false claims. Still dressing up as a Viking, old chap?

  12. "...and the smile on the face of the tiger..."

    Much like the smile on the face of May, when this failed to make much impact.

    "I don't think Labour get irony."

    I don't think they get a lot of things..

    "Rather unfair, I feel. The majority of coppers, the beat nbobbies you'll see marching alongside the protestors, keeping the peace, just want to get on with the jhob they joined the Police for - catching criminals and helping to make life a little easier easier for the rest of us."

    Yes, yes, I hear the 'Oh, but it's the senior officers...' schtick. I hear it a lot, and you know what? Without the willing co-operation of the foot soldiers, it wouldn't have any effect.

    Please don't tell me that 'you have to follow orders'. Yes, you do, but there's ways of following those orders than fails to produce the effect that the higher-ups want. Ask any Russian.

    "Where is our very own Vladimir?"


    "And it's interesting that despite a usual rabid rant from Owen Jones in this morning's Grauniad even he makes no mention of the failed revolution anywhere."

    They seem to have settled for a 'drip, drip, drip' effect. Just yesterday, another rally took to the streets. They don't need the numbers, if they can keep up the frequency.
