Wednesday 7 June 2017

You Can Usually Tell Dangerous Dogs By Appearance...

The first woman is described as white, aged around 40 years old, around 5ft 5in tall, with black hair tied up into a messy bun. She was wearing a short brown top, jogging bottoms and a gold chain necklace.
The second woman is described as mixed race, aged between 18 and 25 years old with dark hair tied up into a messy bun. She was wearing a white vest top and light grey flared jogging bottoms. She was also wearing gold earrings in the shape of a square and a long thin chain necklace.
The man is described as white, aged around 25 years old, with dark brown or black coloured hair and he was clean shaven. He was wearing a thick blue hoodie, with the hood down, white trousers and dirty trainers.
...of the owners.


  1. Three chavs

    "messy bun" aka Croydon facelift

    "dirty white trainers" misreported as "dirty trainers"

    Not reported in article: pinched, aggressive, rat-like face (eg Rebecca Long-Bailey)

    They're guilty

  2. When they say 'mixed race' I wonder which mix they mean?

    Could be anything; Chinese Vulcan, Cherokee Jamaican, Cheese 'n Onion.

  3. "They're guilty"

    Yup! Know why people jump to conclusions about chavs?

    It saves time!

    "When they say 'mixed race' I wonder which mix they mean? "

    I wonder if they really meant species.
