Monday 24 July 2017

We Aren't Told How Many Believed A More Effective Deterrent...

The National Sheep Association's (NSA) annual questionnaire asked members to give details of attacks that their flocks have suffered over the previous year.
A fifth of farmers said they believed the most effect deterrent would be shooting canines carrying out attacks on sight.
...would be 'giving the owners the second barrel'.


  1. Shortly after we purchased a working Black Lab we took him on our regular walk in hills. He saw the walking clouds and ran towards them to say "Hello"*. They ran, he pursued them, I pursued him. When I caught him he received a good leash whipping.

    Thereafter, he never did it again and he taught two later working dogs to ignore them.

    * He also jumped off a bridge and a wall and a..... and swam towards swans/ducks to say hello - swans/ducks not happy. Stupid, but friendly, dog.

  2. An old farmer's trick was to put a chase-happy dog in with an irascible old ram. The dog soon learned they weren't ALL prey!
