Friday 21 July 2017

Who Can Fathom Women..?

Not me anymore, clearly.
Paul Brandis, chairman of the bench, said Pitcher’s actions were “distasteful” but accepted he has shown “remorse”.
He said: “It caused suffering to the kitten. This is aggravated by the fact that this was a domestic argument.
“The killing of the kitten was used as a control mechanism against your partner.”
Personally, when the police called, he'd have been lying face down on the kitchen floor, rapidly cooling to ambient temperature with a Sabatier in his ribcage if it had been me.

Well, she's well rid of him, and no mist...

Oh. Hang on.
The court heard the victim has a number of other cats and Mr Pearson said the pair could rekindle the relationship, meaning an animal banning order should be made.
Pitcher was handed a 12 week prison sentence, suspended for 18 months. He was ordered to take part in a relationships course and pay £250 compensation.
Magistrates also made an order banning Pitcher from keeping or being in control of any animal in any way for the next two years.
Because in two years time, he won't be a thick, unemployed brute who the local dimwits see as potential relationship material?


  1. I'd have hung him up by his youknowwhats...

  2. 'Girl power', 'Blair's babes', 'Winning for Women', 'positive role models', 'breaking the class ceiling'; two decades of educational and social policies aimed at putting women firmly in the driving seat (not to mention the Tardis) and clearly the message is still not getting through to those who need it most.

    Perhaps it's time for a rethink...

  3. To be a fly on the wall at one of these "relationship courses."

  4. Have we had him sterilised?

  5. "I'd have hung him up by his youknowwhats..."

    I wouldn't have left him any to support his weight!

    "Perhaps it's time for a rethink..."

    Far, far too late, if my burgeoning file of 'things to blog' is any indication...

    "To be a fly on the wall at one of these "relationship courses.""

    If I ran them, they'd work!

    "Have we had him sterilised?"

    See first reply.. ;)
