Friday 14 July 2017

You Never Did 'Deal With Them'…

A spokesman for Basildon Council said: “The council is aware of the encampment at Rushley Park and the Essex Countywide Traveller Unit have been notified.
Basildon Council doesn’t deal with these kinds of incursions anymore.”
When did you ever..?
My children used to go to the pond, but they can’t now.
“This is the fourth time this year there have been travellers on the park.
“A neighbour had to call the fire service because they were setting lit (sic) to tyres.”
She added that residents were already concerned about the amount of mess that was going to be left.
She said: “There was a large truck that arrived which was full of rubbish.
“It is now empty and there is a pile of rubbish by the pond.”
Maybe if it contains some cigarette butts, the council might use all the awesome powers they boast about in other boroughs?
The mum added: “People have moved round her (sic) because it is quiet and secluded.
“They don’t need the travellers here.
I pay £100 council tax a month - for what?
That's a damn good question. Isn't it?


  1. “I pay £100 council tax a month - for what?”

    Diversity Dept, Minority Dept, Traveller Enablement Dept, Sustainability Dept, Dog Poo Dept, LGBTXYZ Dept, Wrong Bin Fines Dept, Union reps, ............

    However, you do occasionally have bins emptied if correctly filled.

  2. That money for painting police cars and fire engines in diverse-aware rainbows has to come from somewhere, you transphobic fascists!
