Saturday 16 September 2017

Before The Smoke Had Even Cleared...

...and before the last terrified commuter had evacuated the station. The inevitable 'Muslims are the real victims!' from the usual craven apologists.


  1. Tw@t comparing a broken window with 28 casualties. Olympic Standard Whataboutery.

  2. 'Alleged' terror attack?

    What else does he think it could be?

    It's a perfect example of how cucked our media is. These people know they can come out with this stuff, knowing no one in our fearless watchdog media will call them out on it.

  3. Good article on RoP by Tim Newman:

    As for London tube bomb:

    PM May over-reacts and panders to terrorist evil-losers by putting UK on highest threat level. Stupid woman, she's doing what RoP want - spread worry, insecurity and fear.

    No doubt BBC already has story ready for publishing that Mohamid Akbar was a lone wolf and his attending Finsbury Park mosque is a coincidence.

    DNC / Debbie Wasserman-Schultz & Awan scandal in USA - BBC refuses to report - Most recent: 25 Jul 2016

  4. "Every opportunity taken."

    Indeed. I'm starting to think maybe Islamists aren't the most dangerous threat...

    "'Alleged' terror attack?

    What else does he think it could be? "

    Routine road traffic accident, like yesterday's Natural History Museum incident? Or so we're supposed to believe.

    "Stupid woman, she's doing what RoP want - spread worry, insecurity and fear."

    She's going to be gone by Christmas. Mark my words.
